Informatics division

MTBI2’s Informatics Division offers a variety of resources and support services. These resources and services accommodate all stages of a study’s life cycle and a broad range of data types. The Informatics Division ensures each study aligns with current industry standards for data harmonization, curation, and sharing.
In addition to housing more than 5,000,000 data points, our Informatics Division offers a variety of support services, offering investigators, and support staff assistance with:

  • Protocol and study support, management, planning, design, budgets, agreements, contracts
  • Data capture storage and retrieval (meets federal requirements for PII and PHI data)
  • Data analysis support - statistical analysis, machine learning, modeling and simulation
  • Application development (mobile apps, databases, infrastructure)
  • Computational services (big data, proteomics, bioanalysis)
  • Research start-up and close-out services
  • Electronic data collection, data repository access, data sharing and management
  • Specimen tracking and management
  • Offline and austere environment data collection
  • Regulatory and compliance support
  • Data auditing, randomization, blinding/unblinding and reporting
  • Management of the MTBI2 Informatics Data Repository and FITBIR collaborations

The Informatics Division manages various platforms for data collection, capture, sharing, storage, and analytics. These platforms include:

Our Informatics Division ensures each study participates in current industry standards for data harmonization efforts. Some of these include the incorporation of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke’s TBI common data elements guidelines and the FAIR data sharing principles. The informatics core also collaborates closely with FITBIR through data sharing and development.
Interested in working with us? Please send all inquiries and questions to